2024 Berrien County Community Recycling Event - Silver Beach County Park
Event by Berrien County Recycling
Sat. September 14, 2024 | 9:00am - 1:00pm

Event by Berrien County Recycling
Sat. September 14, 2024 | 9:00am - 1:00pm
For Berrien County residents ONLY. Waste from businesses is NOT accepted.
Events are coordinated by the Berrien County Parks Department.
Donations are accepted to help pay for collection event costs.
Phone Extension: 8232 or 8133
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Electronics: some fees apply, payment due at the event
- Foam/Polystyrene
Household Hazardous Waste:
Home/garden/garage chemicals, used motor oil & filters, yard & garden chemicals, antifreeze, gasoline, stain, oil-based paint, varnish, household & automobile batteries, cleaners, paint thinner, unwanted pills and other medications, medical needles/sharps, mercury items, compact fluorescent light bulbs & tubes, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, small 1-lb propane cylinders, sterno canisters, adhesives, driveway sealer & more.
NOT ACCEPTED: gas grill size propane tanks, ammo, fireworks, and latex paint. See recycling & disposal options on the website.
Electronic Waste:
(fees apply on some items - payment goes to Green Earth Electronics Recycling)
Unwanted household electronic equipment that has a cord or is battery operated such as computer monitors ($10/monitor fee), printers, computers & accessories, phones, tablets, televisions ($20/TV fee), power tools, routers, DVD/VCR players, small & large appliances, Freon containing items ($10/item fee), holiday light strings, cameras, printer/ink cartridges, stereo equipment, vacuum cleaners, etc.
Recycled by Green Earth Electronics Recycling, 4200 Niles Rd., St. Joseph, (269) 326-1232, website: greenearth1.com.
(Freon Items: include refrigerators, mini-fridge, freezers, AC units, dehumidifiers, water coolers.)
Ice chests, foam cups, clean foam “to-go” food containers, egg cartons, foam block packaging, pink & blue Styrofoam. Must be clean and dry.
NOT ACCEPTED: packing peanuts, soft foam
Admission: Some Fees Apply
Contact: Berrien County Parks Dept. & Recycling Team | (269) 983 7111 | recycle@berriencounty.org