2nd Annual Tartan Day Festival at River Saint Joe
Event by River Saint Joe Brewery
Sat. April 06, 2024 | 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Event by River Saint Joe Brewery
Sat. April 06, 2024 | 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Come on down to the farm April 6th from 12-4pm and join us for our 2nd Annual Tartan Day Festival at River Saint Joe Brewery!
Tartan Day is an annual celebration of Scottish culture, and the unique garment that Scots hold dear--the tartan! Dress in your finest plaids and come on down for Tartan Day at RSJ! We've got a jam-packed line-up of events and offerings this year including:
Scottish dance performances from the Kalamazoo Scottish Country Dancers
Live bagpipes from members of the Caledonia Kilty Pipe Band
Traditional Scottish music from Cammie & Robert Adams of the Grand Rapids Scottish Society
Scottish Culture & Kinship Tent with the Kalamazoo Valley Scottish Society
"Dressed to Kilt" Contest & Prizes
Highland Games, Scottish Food, "Bonnie Scotia" Scotch Ale on draft
…and more!
FULL EVENT SCHEDULE COMING SOON! Read more about our artists and presenters below!
Don't miss out on what is sure to be the Southwest Michigan Scottish cultural event of the Spring--April 6th from 12-4pm at River Saint Joe Brewery in Buchanan, Michigan.
No reservation needed, all service is first come, first served. Questions? Email us at events@riverstjoe.com.
Kalamazoo Scottish Country Dancers - Since 1990 The Kalamazoo Scottish Country Dancers have taught and promoted the art of Scottish Country Dance in a weekly group setting in Kalamazoo and in group demonstrations through the Southwest Michigan area. They perform a number of styles including jigs, reels, and Strathspeys, and are always looking for new members of all backgrounds and ages to join! Kalamazoo Scottish Country Dancers on FB
Cammie & Robert Adams - Both board members of the Grand Rapids Scottish Society and members of the Kalamazoo Scottish Country Dancers, Cammie & Robert are also trained traditional folk musicians, having played both Scottish, Irish, and Old-time music together for over 2 decades. Cammie has BA in Music from the University of Kentucky, where she studied opera performance and Ethnomusicology. Her specialty is in the ballads, hymns, and folk music of the British Isles and Ireland and these immigrants' influence on the Southern Appalachian Mountains. She has written and presented multiple educational programs for Opera Grand Rapids, local schools, and events through the Grand Rapids Scottish Society. Robert is a Professor of Computer Science at GVSU and enjoys playing fiddle and Irish tenor banjo. Cammie sings, plays mandola, bodhran, and piano. Grand Rapids Scottish Society Website
Kalamazoo Valley Scottish Society - The Kalamazoo Valley Scottish Society will have their 'Find your Clan' table with resources from the Council of Scottish Clans & Associations. The KVSS is a non-profit society dedicated to fostering the Scots pioneer spirit through education and kinship, and has been actively living its mission since 1963. Members of the Society will be there to assist all with finding their clan, tartan, and help them explore their ancestors' home. Kalamazoo Valley Scottish Society on FB
Caledonia Kilty Pipe Band - The Caledonia Kilty Pipe Band was established in 1954 in Mishawaka, Indiana, and works to promote the culture and heritage of Highland bagpipe music in the South Bend and NW Indiana areas. Performing for us this Tartan Day is Walter, a longstanding member of the troupe. Caledonia Kilty Pipe Band on FB
Many thanks to the help and support of the Grand Rapids & Kalamazoo Valley Scottish Societies and to all of the artists and performers contributing to this year's Tartan Day Festival at River Saint Joe!
Admission: Free
Contact: Kat Amundson | (269) 409 8015 | events@riverstjoe.com