Pathway Easter Worship

Event by Pathway Church

Sun. April 20, 2025 | 7:00am - 12:30pm

Good Friday, April 18th | 11am-1pm

On Good Friday, April 18, the church will be open from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM for you to come into the sanctuary and pray, enjoy music, or receive Holy Communion.


Easter Sunrise, April 20th | 7am

Gather in the Church Courtyard to enjoy coffee, singing, a short message, and an Easter gift for all attendees. 

*Please note that this service will be held in the church courtyard this year (not at Keisel Overlook).


Easter Traditional, April 20th | 9am

Celebrate with us at 9:00 AM as we sing beloved Easter hymns like “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” and “He Lives.” Enjoy performances from the Church Choir and handbell choir, along with a heartfelt Easter message by Pastor Dan. Stay afterward for a delicious breakfast and continue celebrating!


Easter Breakfast, April 20th | 10am

In between services, fill your plate with a delicious breakfast, sit down and enjoy the food and company. 


Easter Modern, April 20th | 11am

At 11:00 AM, join us for an exciting worship experience led by our Worship Band, featuring music and videos that celebrate our risen Savior and the significance of His resurrection.

Contact: Pastor Dan Colthorp | (269) 983 3929 |

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