We’re excited to announce that this year’s Pathway Eggstravaganza is hoppening on Sunday, April 13th! Join us for a delightful brunch at 10 AM, followed by our Palm Sunday Modern Worship Service at 11 AM, and an exciting Easter Egg Hunt immediately afterward. We’re thrilled to include children up to 18 years old in this year’s hunt—yes, even teens can join in the fun!
Families are invited to come at 10 AM to enjoy a complimentary brunch of sloppy joes, chips, fruit, veggies, & desserts. Kid-friendly Easter crafts will also be offered during this time.
Then join us at 11 AM for an uplifting worship experience featuring a Palm Parade, our worship band, and an intriguing message from Pastor Dan – “Is This the End?” Nursery will be available for the young ones. During the message, children in K-5th grade and under are invited to attend our Kids’ Church and get to know our new Director of Youth & Children's Ministry Evron. They’ll be back in time to sing the final songs of praise with us!
After the service, kids will hunt for candy-filled eggs hidden all over the church grounds and courtyard. They will be divided into age groups and have separate zones to find eggs - over 3,000 of them!
Please let us know if you & your family will be hopping on over!
Contact: Pastor Dan Colthorp | (269) 983 3929 | office@pathwaymethodist.org